Wisborough Greens
Love your Greens
Wisborough Greens, a local veg box delivery service especially for the people of Wisborough Green and the surrounding area.
Working with The Liquid Way, now We are Collider, from the conception of the brand marque through to brand styling, launch collateral and website, influences were the idea of freshly picked from soil to table, traditional wooden apple crates and greengrocer paper bags. With the positioning of ‘Love your Greens’, all presented with a muted palette enhanced with healthy ‘spring greens’ and the organic and immediate feel of the hand drawn and rubber stamp impressions.
Children from the local primary school were tasked to illustrate seasonable fruit and vegetables for the recipe pages and have been involved in growing their own ~ some of their school grown produce even making it into the veg boxes!
Results. A brand and collateral that emulates Wisborough Green’s organic ethos and rustic charm with a friendly and personable approach with a touch of inclusivity.